Feeling down and stuck in a funk? These 16 simple tips can help you boost your mood and get back on track.
Boy oh boy, has this past week been a challenge! And for no specific reason. I've just been feeling "off" and in a funk all week long. Know the feeling? When everything is just fine, but nothing feels fine?! When you're just not feeling "it"? THAT. And that feeling arrived and settled somewhere in my head about a week ago - uninvited obvs - and made itself SO comfortable up there, that my whole week has practically been the most unproductive, unsatisfying week EVER. Each day rolled into the next without any change whatsoever. And since the situation wasn't getting any better as the days went by, I felt increasingly more anxious.
This isn't the first time this has happened, and it surely won't be the last because that's life, right? But I have been determined to get out of this incredibly disrupting, annoying, demotivating, stupid, freaking downer of a "moment" and get back on track. And...I've cracked it. This funk, this rut, this unwelcome squatter, call it what you want, has been officially evicted. And I am here to tell you how, and give you all the tricks to help you achieve it too.
But before I do, I want you to remember who you are and that this "funk" isn't you - it is just a moment in time. Watch your inner dialogue during this time, and make sure you are there for yourself because you need you more than anything else in this moment. Funks usually come along when we have drifted away from ourselves for whatever reason - too busy, too anxious, feeling unwell, putting others first etc. - as a reminder to reconnect with our inner self and get back on track.
16 Tips To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk
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Whether it's due to stress, boredom, or just a general feeling of dissatisfaction, being in a funk can be tough to deal with. Don't despair - these 16 tried-and-tested tips are guaranteed to help lift your mood, get you out of a funk, and get you back on track.
Tip #1 - Don't beat yourself up
Let me tell you - beating yourself up about this funk you're in isn't going to help one bit. In fact, it will probably just make things worse by adding even more negativity to an already negatively-charged headspace. What you need to do is the exact opposite - show up for yourself with compassion, understanding and kindness.
All week I was getting increasingly mad at myself for being in a funk, which just added to my anxiety and stress. As soon as I changed my approach and cut myself some slack, everything else started to shift too.
Tip #2 - Accept it
Resistance causes friction, i.e. more stress. Trying to resist the funk is only going to add to the crappy feelings you have at the moment. Instead, accept it for what it is - just a moment in time, not a new "forever"; sit with it, and try to understand why it is there in the first place. Is it trying to tell you something? Is there something to learn here?
I realised that in the week leading up to this lovely little rut (sarcasm overload), I had stretched myself too thin and then let myself slip - I wasn't very disciplined with my sleep, my eating was all over the place, I wasn't drinking enough water, and I kind of fell back into old patterns.
Think of the uninvited visitor I mentioned above - during this hostile takeover don't focus your energy on fighting the "invader". Instead focus on looking after yourself and connecting with yourself even more - and watch your visitor getting bored and moving on - and out!
Tip #3 - Take a shower
Seriously. A full-on, head-under-the-water shower. There is something about water that shifts the energy big time, and cleanses us spiritually and energetically. Whenever I feel a bit down, or suffering from writer's block, or need to clear my thoughts - I take a shower. It works every time.
Tip #4 - Exercise
Get those endorphins going! Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and get out of a funk. Be it a jog, a long walk in the park, riding your bike, or a workout at home. Even some light stretching can help release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. If you can be outdoors while you do it and get some fresh air, that's an added bonus. The most important thing is to get your body moving and your heart rate up.
Try to incorporate some form of physical activity into your daily routine, whether it's going for a run, taking a yoga class, or simply doing some jumping jacks in your living room. Not only will it help improve your mood, but it can also have long-term benefits for your physical health.
Tip #5 - Avoid social media
Uh-huh. Shut it down. Log out, delete the app, do whatever you have to do to stay away from scrolling endlessly and comparing your life to other people's.
Tip #5 - Practice self-care
The last thing we seem to do when we're in a funk is to look after ourselves, when it is the one thing we should be doing! Find out how to practice self-care in 6 simple ways here.
This is me treating myself to a face mask while writing this post!
Tip #7 - Pay attention to the small things
It's often the case that when we feel stuck in a rut, a cloud of negativity takes over everything. Paying attention to the small things that make you happy will act as a reminder that not all is bad, and that this too shall pass. It will also keep you connected to your inner self in a powerful way: this funk isn't you, it's just a phase you're going through and are on your way out of.
Smell the flowers, listen to the birds, fully experience the taste of that first cup of coffee in the morning, or how that scene from your favourite sitcom made you laugh.
Tip #8 - Allow yourself to feel and share
Bottling up feelings never helped anyone, and it certainly won't help now. Most probably, it will just lead to you feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes all you need is to release all the emotions trapped inside your head and heart and take the pressure off. If you need to have a good cry, then allow yourself to do just that. You'll be surprised how much lighter you will feel, and the clarity and comfort that follows a good cry.
And while we're at it, don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with those close to you.
Tip #9 - Pat yourself on the back for the small achievements
Made your bed and tidied up around the house? Way to go! Got the kids to school on time? Awesome! Give yourself credit for the things you manage to do when stuck in a funk - you know better than anyone how hard it is. Be proud of yourself, of your resilience, your courage and your strength.
Tip #10 - Dance it out
Heavy feelings get trapped in our body, and dancing is a great way to release them. Play some of your favourite songs and have a dance party for one. Feel the music and let yourself go - sing and dance your heart out and watch your mood lift instantly.
This is my go-to list, guaranteed to get you dancing, singing and lift your mood! Yes, I am a Gen X baby (and proud!), but I firmly believe music transcends time, so check these songs out:
Tip #11 - Reach for nourishing food - not comfort food
That tub of ice cream in the freezer that's calling your name when you need some comfort? It isn't going help - all that sugar will just increase any brain fog and mess things up further. Try having some fruit instead, or a yogurt with some honey. Keep your blood sugar levels healthy and take care of yourself from the inside out as you make your way out of this funk.
Tip #12 - Write
Whether writing down your thoughts and feelings, or your to-do lists, writing is a great way to offload and get some clarity. Grab a pen and piece of paper and get writing - things will make a lot more sense when you're done, and you'll feel better for it.
Tip #13 - Meditate
If you've never meditated before, don't let that intimidate you. All you need to do is sit somewhere quietly and watch your thoughts as they come and go through your mind. Notice them, acknowledge them, and let them go like passing clouds. Apps like Headspace and Calm can be a great help to get you started and guide you through.
Tip #14 - Work on your goals
Having something to work towards will motivate you and pull you out of the funk faster. Write your goals down and the steps you need to take to make them happen.
Read more about achieving your goals here.
Tip #15 - Read a good book
Sometimes getting lost in a really good book can do wonders when you're in a funk. It's a great distraction and gives you something else to think about for a bit, someone else's life and problems to deal with. Taking your mind off things is a great way to let your thoughts settle for a while and give yourself some space to work things out.
If you're into psychological thrillers, then you'll LOVE this book. I finished it in 2 days and it's the one that helped me get through this funk.
Tip #16 - Sleep
Don't underestimate the power of sleep and how restorative it is for your mind and body. Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night to optimise your chances of getting out of the funk, feel motivated and be productive.
Those are my 16 tried-and-tested tips to get myself out of a funk. What's the first thing you do when you're stuck in a rut? Let me know, let's talk!